亚标检测积极布局第三代半导体功率器件的测试业务,引进国际 的测试技术,为功率半导体产业上下游企业提供器件参数检测服务,助力器件国产化、高新化发展。测试项目包括:静态参数、动态参数、热特性、雪崩耐量、短路特性及绝缘耐压测试;设备支持0-1500A,0-3000V的器件参数检测,覆盖MIL-STD-750,IEC 60747系列,GB/T29332等标准。
静态参数 | 符号 |
Drain to Source Breakdown Voltage | BVDSS |
Drain Leakage Current | IDSS |
Gate Leakage Current | IGSS |
Gate Threshold Voltage | VGS(th) |
Drain to Source On Resistance | RDS(on) |
Drain to Source On Voltage | VDS(on) |
Body Diode Forward Voltage | VSD |
Internal Gate Resistance | Rg |
Input capacitance | Cies |
Output capacitance | Coes |
Reverse transfer capacitance | Cres |
Transconductance | gfs |
Gate to Source Plateau Voltage | Vgs(pl) |
动态参数 | 符号 |
Turn-on delay time | td(on) |
Rise time | tr |
Turn-off delay time | td(off) |
Fall time | tf |
Turn-on energy | Eon |
Turn-off energy | Eoff |
Diode reverse recovery time | trr |
Diode reverse recovery charge | Qrr |
Diode peak reverse recovery current | Irrm |
Diode peak rate of fall of reverse recovery current | dirr/dt |
Total gate charge | QG |
Gate-Emitter charge | QGC |
Gate-Collector charge | QGE |
其他参数 | 符号 |
thermal resistance | Rth |
Unclamped Inductive Switching | UIS |
Reverse biased safe operating area | RBSOA |
Short circuit safe operation area | SCSOA |